Layla was a licensed therapy dog who I trained from the time that she was a puppy. She was a wonderful part of many therapy sessions for 12 years. Her calm and gentle demeanor helped to lower anxiety and give an instant connection to both children and adults. After a long and happy 14 years, Layla passed away a few years ago. Hazel is Layla's successor and LOVES to play with kids and adults alike. She has the same sweet and happy presence as Layla, making her a wonderful addition to the office.
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"Most people know dogs as 'a man’s best friend.' But I believe they can be even more. Take therapy dogs for instance. Ready to learn my reasons? Therapy dogs help people with anger management issues, like me. The dog that helps me is named Layla. When I see her, her owner and I pretend to have a fight and Layla helps keep me calm. It has helped me a lot. Therapy dogs can also help people with emotional issues. For example, say you just got glasses and people make fun of you. A therapy dog can help you feel better. I know you think humans can do that too. But sometimes you need a dog. They can really help with keeping me calm. Do you think it would work for you too? Do you now think that therapy dogs can be very helpful? They can really help people feel better. They can also be a lot of fun. Maybe you could try having a therapy dog if you need it."
-School essay from former client (9 years old)
-School essay from former client (9 years old)